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count against造句

"count against"是什么意思  
  • Your criminal record could count against you in finding a job .
  • Even his good qualities of geniality and impetuosity counted against him .
  • Your criminal record could count against you in finding a job
  • Methods invoked from within managed code do not count against this limit
  • Soap sessions do not count against the maximum connections count for the server
  • Messages stored in journal queues count against the quota for the computer where the queue resides
  • Installed applications are not limited by the cache size and do not count against the cache limit
  • At my first defense no one supported me , but all deserted me ; may it not be counted against them
    提后4 : 16我初次申诉、没有人前来帮助、竟都离弃我但愿这罪不归与他们。
  • Messages stored in dead - letter queues count against the size quota for the computer where the queue resides
  • At my first defense no one was with me to support me , but all abandoned me . may it not be counted against them
  • It's difficult to see count against in a sentence. 用count against造句挺难的
  • Items in all of your mailbox folders including the deleted items and sent items folders count against your size limit
    (另外, )已删除文件夹和已发送文件夹中的邮件都计算在容量限制之内。
  • 2 tim . 4 : 16 at my first defense no one was with me to support me , but all abandoned me . may it not be counted against them
  • Messages stored in journal queues count against the quota for the computer where the queue resides the computer quota is set by the administrator
    存储在日记队列中的消息大小算在队列所驻留的计算机的配额内(计算机配额由管理员设置) 。
  • Dubai has sought to profit from the unprecedented mobility of markets , but without local demand for capital , that same mobility will start to count against it
  • Dubai has sought to profit from the unprecedented mobility of markets , but without local demand for capital , that same mobility will start to count against it
  • To manifest a power you must pay power points , which count against your daily total , but you can manifest the same power over and over if you have points left to pay for it
  • Though he had assumed that his story would be already known at moscow , and that the ladies who were about his father , always unfavourably disposed to him , would profit by this opportunity of turning the count against him , he went on the day of his arrival to his fathers part of the house
如何用count against造句,用count against造句count against in a sentence, 用count against造句和count against的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。